
Question 150.01

Question: Under Exchange Act Rule 12g-3, must a Form 8-A, or any other form, be filed in order for the securities of a successor issuer to be deemed registered under Section 12?
Answer: No. Rule 12g-3 provides for the registration of the securities of successor issuers under the Exchange Act. The securities of a successor issuer described in Rule 12g-3 are deemed to be registered under Section 12 by operation of law, and no Exchange Act registration statement on Form 8-A or any other form therefore need be filed. Under Rule 12g-3(f), the successor must file a Form 8-K with respect to the succession transaction, using the predecessor’s file number. After the Form 8-K is filed, a new file number will be generated for the successor company. When two reporting companies consolidate, each of the predecessor companies should file a Form 15 in connection with the succession. [September 30, 2008]

Question 150.02

Question: What filings should a non-reporting foreign private issuer make when it succeeds to the reporting obligation of an issuer under Exchange Act Rule 12g-3? For example, if a non-reporting foreign private issuer acquires a reporting foreign private issuer using shares as consideration in a transaction exempt from registration under the Securities Act (such as under Section 3(a)(10)), how should the non-reporting foreign private issuer begin filing on EDGAR?
Answer: The foreign private issuer's initial filing to evidence the succession should be a Form 6-K announcing the succession, filed on EDGAR using the 8-K submission type that is appropriate to the specific transaction. Thereafter, the issuer should make all other Exchange Act filings as appropriate. [December 8, 2016]
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