For hedges of a forecasted purchase of a nonfinancial item, US GAAP and IFRS differ with regards to the accounting (at the time of acquisition of the nonfinancial item) for the fair value changes of the hedging instrument that were deferred in AOCI. This results in different amounts in AOCI and different carrying amounts of the nonfinancial items between US GAAP and IFRS. However, the ultimate effect on earnings is the same.
US GAAP prohibits adjusting the basis of the hedged item in a cash flow hedge, and requires the fair value changes deferred in AOCI to be released out of AOCI into earnings when the hedged forecasted transaction impacts earnings.
IFRS 9 requires mandatory basis adjustment of the nonfinancial hedged item once it is recognized. Accordingly, fair value changes in the hedging instrument that are deferred in AOCI (referred to as the “cash flow hedge reserve”) are included in the value of the hedged item on its initial recognition. The basis adjustment does not flow back through OCI. It is a direct transfer from equity to the hedged item.
Similar accounting is required if a hedged forecasted transaction for a nonfinancial asset or a nonfinancial liability becomes a firm commitment for which fair value hedge accounting is applied.
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