Under IFRS, the classification of debt does not consider post-balance sheet refinancing agreements. As such, more debt is classified as current under IFRS.
Entities may classify debt instruments due within the next 12 months as noncurrent at the balance sheet date, provided that agreements to refinance or to reschedule payments on a long-term basis (including waivers for certain debt covenants) are completed before the financial statements are issued.
SEC registrants subject to S-X Article 5 for commercial and industrial companies are required to present a classified balance sheet, but no other Articles within S-X contain this requirement. ASC 210-10-05-4 notes that most reporting entities present a classified balance sheet.
If completed after the balance sheet date, neither an agreement to refinance or reschedule payments on a long-term basis nor the negotiation of a debt covenant waiver would result in noncurrent classification of debt, even if executed before the financial statements are issued.
The presentation of a classified balance sheet is required, except when a liquidity presentation is reliable and more relevant.
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