Initial measurement might vary because US GAAP specifies a fair value measure and IFRS does not. IFRS results in greater variability, as obligations in subsequent periods get adjusted and accreted based on current market-based discount rates.
Asset retirement obligations (AROs) are recorded at fair value and are based upon the legal obligation that arises as a result of the acquisition, construction, or development of a long-lived asset.
The use of a credit-adjusted, risk-free rate is required for discounting purposes when an expected present-value technique is used for estimating the fair value of the liability. A fair value measurement should include a risk premium reflecting the amount that market participants would demand as compensation for the uncertainty inherent in the cash flows.
The guidance also requires an entity to measure changes in the liability for an ARO due to passage of time by applying an interest method of allocation to the amount of the liability at the beginning of the period. The interest rate used for measuring that change would be the credit-adjusted, risk-free rate that existed when the liability, or portion thereof, was initially measured.
In addition, changes to the undiscounted cash flows are recognized as an increase or a decrease in both the liability for an ARO and the related asset retirement cost. Upward revisions are discounted by using the current credit-adjusted, risk-free rate. Downward revisions are discounted by using the credit-adjusted, risk-free rate that existed when the original liability was recognized. If an entity cannot identify the prior period to which the downward revision relates, it may use a weighted-average, credit-adjusted, risk-free rate to discount the downward revision to estimated future cash flows.
IFRS requires that management’s best estimate of the costs of dismantling and removing the item or restoring the site on which it is located be recorded when an obligation exists. The estimate is to be based on a present obligation (legal or constructive) that arises as a result of the acquisition, construction, or development of a fixed asset. If it is not clear whether a present obligation exists, the entity may evaluate the evidence under a more-likely-than-not threshold. This threshold is evaluated in relation to the likelihood of settling the obligation.
The guidance uses a pretax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability. IFRS does not explicitly state whether an entity’s own credit risk should be taken into account in determining the amount of the provision.
Changes in the measurement of an existing decommissioning, restoration, or similar liability that result from changes in the estimated timing or amount of the cash outflows or other resources, or a change in the discount rate, adjust the carrying value of the related asset under the cost model. Adjustments may result in an increase of the carrying amount of an asset beyond its recoverable amount. An impairment loss would result in such circumstances. Adjustments may not reduce the carrying amount of an asset to a carrying amount of an asset to a negative value. Once the carrying value reaches zero, further reductions are recorded in profit and loss. The periodic unwinding of the discount is recognized in profit or loss as a finance cost as it occurs.
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