ASC 980-740-25-1(a) prohibits net-of-tax accounting and reporting. For example, the regulated utility should determine the rate used to capitalize the debt portion of AFUDC on a gross basis, with deferred income taxes separately calculated. Regulated utilities should not include deferred income taxes related to the debt portion of AFUDC in the utility plant balances; they should present such amounts on a gross basis.
In addition, in accordance with ASC 980-740-55-1, regulatory assets and liabilities are not offset with the related deferred tax liabilities or assets. The regulated utility should record each separately because the balances pertain to different counterparties. Tax-related regulatory assets and liabilities should be segregated into current and noncurrent balances using the ASC 740 criteria for classification of deferred income tax balances.
Ongoing standard setting
In November 2015, the FASB issued ASU 2015-17, which requires deferred taxes to be classified as noncurrent assets and liabilities by jurisdiction. Reporting entities should refer to this ASU to determine the effective date of the new guidance.

21.19.1 Disclosure

From a disclosure standpoint, if tax-related regulatory assets or liabilities are material to the financial statements, disclosures similar to those provided for deferred income taxes should be provided. This would include information related to the likely reversal pattern for the regulatory assets and liabilities and necessary regulatory actions that are expected to occur in the future.
Regulated utilities should also consider separately presenting or disclosing the amount of income tax expense recovered in rates as part of operating income (“above the line”) and income tax expense related to the unregulated operations as part of the traditional income tax expense line item (“below the line”). For example, if a regulated utility records miscellaneous revenues or gains on the sale of property when such revenues or gains are not considered in the ratemaking process, the related income taxes would be reported “below-the-line.” Although this reporting is not a requirement under U.S. GAAP, separate presentation and/or disclosure of these portions of the income tax provision can provide useful information to financial statement users.
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