
21.7.1 Presentation

The financial statement presentation of RECs generally follows the nature of the utility’s activities.
Figure UP 21-2 summarizes the presentation alternatives for RECs in the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows. The classification of activities related to RECs within the financial statements should be supported by the underlying business activities and should be consistently applied.
Figure UP 21-2
Financial statement presentation of RECs
Purpose for holding
Balance sheet
Income statement
Statement of cash flows
Held for use
Cost of compliance is an operating expense; proceeds from sales of excess RECs should be classified as a contra-expense.
Activity should be included in operating cash flows because cost of compliance is an operating expense.
Held for use
Intangible assets
Classification is the same as RECs held for use and classified as “inventory.”
Activity should be included in investing cash flows because amounts relate to an intangible asset.
Held for sale
Generally inventory
Sales should generally be classified as part of revenue.
Activity should be included in operating cash flows because the sales are in the normal course of business and part of operating income.
Active buying and selling as part of a trading operation to generate profit
Sales should be classified as part of trading revenue; reporting entities should assess the appropriateness of net versus gross presentation.
Activity should be included in operating cash flows because it is in the normal course of business and part of operating income.
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21.7.2 Disclosure

US GAAP does not include any specific disclosure requirements for RECs. However, reporting entities should make appropriate disclosures based on how the RECs are classified (e.g., if RECs are classified as inventory, any required disclosures for inventory should be included in the financial statements). In addition, the applicability of other disclosures about RECs should be considered, including:
  • Policy regarding whether RECs are treated as output
  • Policy regarding whether RECs are treated as inventory or intangibles
  • Revenue recognition policies
  • Early warning disclosures if there is an anticipation of potential impairments or lower-of-cost-or-market adjustments
The utility should also disclose its policy for accounting for its compliance obligation (if applicable). In addition, any potential fines and penalties should be disclosed within the contingencies footnote.
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