In this week's Talking ESG episode, PwC's Climate Risk Modeling Leader discusses the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures.
In our Talking ESG podcast series, we give an end-to-end look at what it takes to build effective ESG reporting in today’s environment. From investor to stakeholder expectations, from global frameworks to data, process, and controls—there’s something in it for everyone.
This week Heather Horn sat down with Steve Bochanski, PwC’s Climate Risk Modeling leader, to discuss ESG reporting with a focus on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and how it may affect your company.
Topics include:
  • 6:09 - What is the TCFD? The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures was established to focus on providing stakeholders with information about climate-related risks. Heather and Steve talk through the background of the TCFD and how it’s different from other ESG reporting frameworks.
  • 10:48 - Making a risk assessment. Most listeners will be familiar with the physical risks associated with climate change, and many companies already have processes in place to address them. But there’s also transition risk, which is less well-understood. Steve and Heather discuss how to get started assessing both of these risk categories and how correctly identifying risks upfront can improve your reporting.
  • 19:54 - Who is adopting the TCFD recommendations? The Task Force has structured its guidance for broad adoption across industries. Steve walks listeners through the steps involved in adoption and who should be involved from the organization.
  • 28:29 - Stakeholders and data quality. Most organizations have done more work than they think in their focus on conventional risk assessment processes that can be useful in a TCFD disclosure. Steve explains how companies can use these processes to accelerate their climate reporting process. Steve and Heather also talk through the importance of data quality.
  • 36:57 - Advice for listeners. Steve and Heather discuss some practical advice for companies that have adopted or are planning to adopt aspects of the TCFD framework. Steve provides his perspective on what the future holds for climate-related disclosures.
About our guest
Steve Bochanski leads PwC's US Climate Risk Modeling team, comprising actuaries, financial engineers, and climate scientists, and other actuarial activities in the ESG space. He also leads PwC’s Actuary of the Future initiative globally, focusing on actuarial modernization, upskilling, and corporate risk modeling beyond the insurance sector.
About our host
Heather Horn is a Deputy Chief Accountant in PwC’s National Office and leader of the thought leadership group, responsible for developing our communications strategy and conveying firm positions on accounting and financial reporting matters. She is the engaging host of PwC’s accounting and reporting weekly podcast and quarterly webcast series, as well as periodic webcasts for the power and utilities industry. With over 30 years of experience, Heather’s accounting and auditing expertise includes financial instruments and rate-regulated accounting.
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