
Question 121A.01

Question: How should an issuer calculate the four business day filing period for an Item 5.07 Form 8-K?
Answer: Pursuant to Instruction 1 to Item 5.07, the date on which the shareholder meeting ends is the triggering event for an Item 5.07 Form 8-K. Day one of the four-business day filing period is the day after the date on which the shareholder meeting ends. For example, if the meeting ends on Tuesday, day one would be Wednesday, and the four-business day filing period would end on Monday. [Feb. 16, 2010]

Question 121A.02

Question: Does the Item 5.07(b) requirement to report the number of shareholder votes cast for, against or withheld with respect to a matter apply only to matters voted upon at a meeting that involves the election of directors?
Answer: No. This reporting obligation applies with respect to any matter submitted to a vote of security holders, through the solicitation of proxies or otherwise. [June 4, 2010]

Question 121A.03

Question: Item 5.07(b) requires disclosure of the number of votes cast for, against or withheld, as well as the number of abstentions and broker non-votes, as to each matter submitted to a vote of security holders. With respect to the advisory vote on the frequency of shareholder advisory votes on executive compensation, Item 5.07(b) requires disclosure of the number of votes cast for each of the one, two and three year frequency options, as well as the number of abstentions. Are companies also required to state the number of broker non-votes with respect to the frequency of shareholder advisory votes on executive compensation?
Answer: No. Item 5.07(b) does not require disclosure of the number of broker non-votes with respect to the advisory vote on the frequency of shareholder advisory votes on executive compensation. If a company believes this information would be useful for investors, then it may disclose such information under Item 5.07(b). [July 8, 2011]

Question 121A.04

Question: May an issuer disclose its decision as to how frequently it will include a shareholder advisory vote on executive compensation in its proxy materials in a periodic report instead of an Item 5.07 Form 8-K, pursuant to General Instruction B.3 to Form 8-K?
Answer: Yes. Pursuant to General Instruction B.3, an issuer may report Item 5.07 Form 8-K information in a periodic report that is filed on or before the date that an Item 5.07 Form 8-K would otherwise be due. If the issuer reports its annual meeting voting results in a Form 10-Q or Form 10-K, it may file a new Item 5.07 Form 8-K, rather than an amended Form 10-Q or Form 10-K, to report its decision as to how frequently it will include a shareholder advisory vote on executive compensation in its proxy materials. However, if the issuer reports its annual meeting voting results in an Item 5.07(b) Form 8-K and also intends to report its frequency decision in a Form 8-K, then, as required by Item 5.07(d), that Form 8-K must be filed as an amendment to the Item 5.07(b) Form 8-K - using submission type 8-K/A - and not as a new Form 8-K. [July 8, 2011]
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