
Question 108.01

Question: What fee rates apply to repurchases of securities and to proxy solicitations and statements in corporate control transactions?
Answer: The fee rates (as adjusted annually) under Exchange Act Section 13(e) and Section 14(g) apply to repurchases of securities and to proxy solicitations and statements in corporate control transactions, respectively. The fee rates set forth in Exchange Act Rule 0-11 do not apply. The Commission publishes orders and related press releases concerning current fee rates on the Commission's web site at www.sec.gov. [June 4, 2010]

Question 108.02

Question: If Company A files proxy materials for the transfer of substantially all of its assets to its wholly-owned subsidiary, Company B, in exchange for shares of Company B stock, will Company A have to pay the filing fee contemplated by Rule 0-11 or Exchange Act Section 14(g)?
Answer: No, because this transaction is an internal recapitalization and is not deemed to be a "sale or other disposition" for filing fee purposes. [June 4, 2010]
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