
Question 151.01

Question: A registrant solicits its security holders to approve the authorization of additional common stock for issuance in a public offering. While the registrant could use the cash proceeds from the public offering as consideration for a recently announced acquisition of another company, it has alternative means for fully financing the acquisition (such as available credit under an executed credit agreement in the full amount of the acquisition consideration) and may choose to use those alternative financing means instead. Would the proposal to authorize additional common stock "involve" the acquisition for purposes of Note A of Schedule 14A?
Answer: No. Raising proceeds through a sale of common stock is not an integral part of the acquisition transaction because at the time the acquisition consideration is payable, the registrant has other means of fully financing the acquisition. The proposal would therefore not involve the acquisition and Note A would not apply. By contrast, if the cash proceeds from the public offering are expected to be used to pay any material portion of the consideration for the acquisition, then Note A would apply. [May 11, 2018]

Question 151.02

Question: A registrant closes the acquisition of another company in a transaction in which security holder approval is not required. A portion of the consideration paid in the acquisition consists of convertible securities that, at the holder’s option, can be converted into shares of the registrant’s common stock or, at the registrant’s option, cash. Following the acquisition, the registrant files a proxy statement to solicit security holder approval for the authorization of additional shares of common stock that it could issue upon the conversion of the securities issued in connection with the acquisition. Would the solicitation of security holder approval for the authorization of the additional shares of common stock “involve” the acquisition for purposes of Note A of Schedule 14A?
Answer: A proposal “involves” another matter within the meaning of Note A when information about the other matter that is called for by Schedule 14A is material to a security holder’s voting decision on the proposal presented. The determination as to whether there is a substantial likelihood that a reasonable security holder would consider the information important in making a voting decision on a proposal ultimately depends on all the relevant facts and circumstances.
The authorization of additional shares of common stock is an integral part of the acquisition because it is necessary for the registrant to meet its obligation under the convertible securities issued as consideration for the acquisition. Therefore, the proposal to authorize additional shares of common stock “involves” the acquisition. In such circumstances, the registrant would have to include in the proxy statement information about the acquisition called for by Schedule 14A, unless such information has already been disclosed or sufficient time has passed so that the registrant’s historical filings fully reflect the acquisition. [November 17, 2023]
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