
200.01 Rule 12b-25

Rule 12b-25(d) prohibits a registrant from using a Securities Act registration statement the use of which is predicated on timely filed reports until the subject report is actually filed pursuant to Rule 12b-25(b)(3). A depositor as defined in Item 1101(e) may create a new issuing entity and conduct a takedown off an effective Form SF-3 between the filing of a 12b-25 notice and the 12b-25 extended due date of the periodic report. [12/09/14] (Reg AB Telephone Interpretation 16.01)

200.02 Rules 13a-18 and 15d-18, Servicing Function Participant

If an asset-backed issuer has a trustee or bond administrator that calculates the waterfall, that party is participating in the servicing function and therefore pursuant to Rules 15d-18 and 13a-18 the issuer’s Form 10-K must include a Report on Assessment of Compliance with Servicing Criteria from the trustee or bond administrator along with the related attestation report. If the trustee or bond administrator does not calculate the waterfall but only receives allocations or distributions from a servicer and makes allocations and distributions to holders of the asset-backed securities out of the calculated amounts, and does not otherwise perform the functions of a servicer, the Form 10-K would not need to include a Report on Assessment of Compliance with Servicing Criteria from the trustee or bond administrator nor an attestation report. [12/30/05] (Reg AB Telephone Interpretation 17.01)

200.03 Rules 13a-18 and 15d-18, Servicer’s Assessment of Compliance

Pursuant to Rule 13a-18 and Rule 15d-18, a Form 10-K must include from each party participating in the servicing function (even parties participating for only a portion of the year) a report regarding its assessment of compliance with the servicing criteria specified in Item 1122(d) of Regulation AB as of and for the period ending the end of each fiscal year. A report must be included for every person participating in the servicing function except that the notes to Rules 13a-18 and 15d-18 provide a de minimis exception. If a servicer’s activities relate to only 5% or less of the pool assets no report is required. Since the report is for the fiscal year, the measurement for this de minimis threshold must take into account the servicing function for the entire period covered by the Form 10-K and not a particular point in time. For example, assets are transferred to an issuing entity with a calendar year end in a closing on March 1st, so that the trust has a reporting obligation for 10 months of the year. The trust has three servicers. Servicer A serviced 50% of the assets for the entire 10 months, Servicer B serviced 40% of the assets for the same length of time and Servicer C serviced 10% of the assets for the first two months. On May 1st Servicer C is replaced by Servicer D. Servicer C serviced only 10% of the pool for only one fifth of the year. As such, Servicer C serviced 2% of the assets for the period and falls below the de minimis requirements in Item 1122 and no report is required. Servicer D serviced 8% of the assets for the period and Servicer’s D report must be included in the Form 10-K. [12/09/14] (Reg AB Telephone Interpretation 17.02)

200.04 Rules 13a-18 and 15d-18, Scope of Item 1122 Platform

Pursuant to Rules 13a-18 and 15d-18, an annual report on Form 10-K must include a report from each party participating in the servicing function regarding its assessment of compliance with servicing criteria specified in Item 1122 of Regulation AB. For the purposes of this assessment, a servicer’s platform may, but is not required to, include transactions registered before compliance with Regulation AB was required or that involved an offer and sale of asset-backed securities that were not required to be registered. Absent changes in circumstances, such as a merger between servicers, it is expected that the grouping of transactions included in a platform should remain constant from period to period. Suspension of Exchange Act reporting obligations for a transaction that was subject to Regulation AB does not result in the exclusion of that transaction from the platform. The servicer must use the criteria contained in Item 1122(d) of Regulation AB to assess the servicing of any transaction in the platform. [12/09/14] (Reg AB Telephone Interpretations 17.03 and 17.04)

200.06 Vendors Engaged by Servicers

A vendor engaged by a servicer to perform specific and limited activities or to perform activities prescribed by the servicer would not be viewed as a party participating in the servicing function separate and apart from the servicer engaging such vendor, and would not need to submit separate assessment and attestation reports for inclusion in the related asset-backed issuer’s Form 10-K report if:
  • The vendor is not a “servicer” as defined in Item 1101(j) of Regulation AB;
  • The servicer engaging and monitoring the vendor elects to take responsibility for assessing compliance with the servicing criteria applicable to that vendor in the servicer’s report regarding assessment of compliance with servicing criteria;
  • The servicer engaging the vendor has policies and procedures in place designed to provide reasonable assurance that the vendor’s activities comply in all material respects with the servicing criteria applicable to the vendor; and
  •  The servicer’s report on assessment of compliance discloses:
  • the servicing criteria or portion of servicing criteria applicable to the vendor’s activities for which the servicer is assuming responsibility;
  • any material instance of noncompliance by the vendor that the servicer identifies or of which it is aware; and
  • any material deficiency that is identified in the servicer’s policies and procedures to monitor the vendor’s compliance.
In this situation, consistent with Item 1122(d)(1)(ii) of Regulation AB and Instruction 2 to Item 1122 of Regulation AB, the requirement to assess compliance with the servicing criteria applicable to a vendor’s activities is satisfied if the servicer has instituted policies and procedures to monitor whether such vendor’s activities comply in all material respects with such criteria. Compliance with the applicable servicing criteria is achieved if those policies and procedures are designed to provide reasonable assurance that such vendor’s activities comply with such criteria and those policies and procedures are operating effectively. [12/09/14] (Reg AB Telephone Interpretation 17.06)

200.07 Rule 15Ga-1

For purposes of Rule 15Ga-1, an “originator” is, as defined in Section 15G(a)(4) of the Exchange Act, the person who, through the extension of credit or otherwise, creates a financial asset that collateralizes an asset-backed security, and sells an asset directly or indirectly to a securitizer. [12/09/14]
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