
311.01 Item 1111(c)

Historical delinquency information for the subject asset pool is always required under this item. If an issuer determines that historical delinquency information for another asset group (such as the managed or serviced portfolio, or all prior securitized pools) is necessary to make the information not misleading, then that information should also be included. General principles of materiality and not Item 1100(b) govern the disclosure of such additional information. See Rule 12b-20 and the interpretation above regarding Item 1100(b). [12/30/05] (Reg AB Telephone Interpretation 9.01)

311.02 Item 1111(h) Asset-Level Disclosure Compliance Date

The amendments to Regulation AB, among other things, require asset-level disclosure for offerings of asset-backed securities backed by residential mortgages, commercial mortgages, auto loans, auto leases and debt securitizations (including resecuritizations). The asset-level data requirements are applicable only to securitizations in which the initial bona fide offer occurs on or after November 23, 2016. A registrant that makes an initial bona fide offer on or after November 23, 2016 must provide asset-level disclosure in accordance with the requirements of Regulation AB in the prospectus at the time of the offering and then on an ongoing basis with each Form 10-D filing. Securitizations for which offers are made prior to November 23, 2016 are not required to provide asset-level disclosures in the prospectus or on an ongoing basis with each Form 10-D. [09/16/15]
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