
Question 101.01

Question: Can an issuer ever confirm selectively a forecast it has previously made to the public without triggering the rule's public reporting requirements?
Answer: Yes. In assessing the materiality of an issuer's confirmation of its own forecast, the issuer should consider whether the confirmation conveys any information above and beyond the original forecast and whether that additional information is itself material. That may depend on, among other things, the amount of time that has elapsed between the original forecast and the confirmation (or the amount of time elapsed since the last public confirmation, if applicable). For example, a confirmation of expected quarterly earnings made near the end of a quarter might convey information about how the issuer actually performed. In that respect, the inference a reasonable investor may draw from such a confirmation may differ significantly from the inference he or she may have drawn from the original forecast early in the quarter. The materiality of a confirmation also may depend on, among other things, intervening events. For example, if it is clear that the issuer's forecast is highly dependent on a particular customer and the customer subsequently announces that it is ceasing operations, a confirmation by the issuer of a prior forecast may be material. 
We note that a statement by an issuer that it has "not changed," or that it is "still comfortable with," a prior forecast is no different than a confirmation of a prior forecast. Moreover, under certain circumstances, an issuer's reference to a prior forecast may imply that the issuer is confirming the forecast. If, when asked about a prior forecast, the issuer does not want to confirm it, the issuer may simply wish to say "no comment." If an issuer wishes to refer back to the prior estimate without implicitly confirming it, the issuer should make clear that the prior estimate was as of the date it was given and is not being updated as of the time of the subsequent statement. [Aug. 14, 2009]

Question 101.02

Question: Does Regulation FD create a duty to update?
Answer: No. Regulation FD does not change existing law with respect to any duty to update. [Aug. 14, 2009]

Question 101.03

Question: Can an issuer ever review and comment on an analyst's model privately without triggering Regulation FD's disclosure requirements?
Answer: Yes. It depends on whether, in so doing, the issuer communicates material nonpublic information. For example, an issuer ordinarily would not be conveying material nonpublic information if it corrected historical facts that were a matter of public record. An issuer also would not be conveying such information if it shared seemingly inconsequential data which, pieced together with public information by a skilled analyst with knowledge of the issuer and the industry, helps form a mosaic that reveals material nonpublic information. It would not violate Regulation FD to reveal this type of data even if, when added to the analyst's own fund of knowledge, it is used to construct his or her ultimate judgments about the issuer. An issuer may not, however, use the discussion of an analyst's model as a vehicle for selectively communicating — either expressly or in code — material nonpublic information. [Aug. 14, 2009]

Question 101.04

Question: May an issuer provide material nonpublic information to analysts as long as the analysts expressly agree to maintain confidentiality until the information is public?
Answer: Yes. [Aug. 14, 2009]

Question 101.05

Question: If an issuer gets an agreement to maintain material nonpublic information in confidence, must it also get the additional statement that the recipient agrees not to trade on the information in order to rely on the exclusion in Rule 100(b)(2)(ii) of Regulation FD?
Answer: No. An express agreement to maintain the information in confidence is sufficient. If a recipient of material nonpublic information subject to such a confidentiality agreement trades or advises others to trade, he or she could face insider trading liability. [Aug. 14, 2009]

Question 101.06

Question: If an issuer wishes to rely on the confidentiality agreement exclusion of Regulation FD, is it sufficient to get an acknowledgment that the recipient of the material nonpublic information will not use the information in violation of the federal securities laws?
Answer: No. The recipient must expressly agree to keep the information confidential. [Aug. 14, 2009]

Question 101.07

Question: Must road show materials in connection with a registered public offering be disclosed under Regulation FD?
Answer: Any disclosure made "in connection with" a registered public offering of the type excluded from Regulation FD is not subject to Regulation FD. That includes road shows in those offerings. All other road shows are subject to Regulation FD in the absence of another applicable exclusion from Regulation FD. For example, a disclosure in a road show in an unregistered offering is subject to Regulation FD. Also, a disclosure in a road show made while the issuer is not in registration and is not otherwise engaged in a securities offering is subject to Regulation FD. If, however, those who receive road show information expressly agree to keep the material nonpublic information confidential, disclosure to them is not subject to Regulation FD. [Aug. 14, 2009]

Question 101.08

Question: A publicly traded company has decided to conduct a private placement of shares and then subsequently register the resale by those shareholders on a Form S-3 registration statement. The company and its investment bankers conduct mini-road shows over a three-day period during the private placement. Does the resale registration statement filed after completion of the private placement affect whether disclosure at the road shows is covered by Regulation FD?
Answer: No. The road shows are made in connection with an offering by the issuer that is not registered (i.e., the private placement), regardless of whether a registration statement is later filed for an offering by those who purchased in the private placement. [Aug. 14, 2009]

Question 101.09

Question: Can an issuer disclose material nonpublic information to its employees (who may also be shareholders) without making public disclosure of the information? Answer: Yes. Rule 100(b)(1) states that Regulation FD applies to disclosures made to "any person outside the issuer." Regulation FD does not apply to communications of confidential information to employees of the issuer. An issuer's officers, directors, and other employees are subject to duties of trust and confidence and face insider trading liability if they trade or tip. [Aug. 14, 2009] 

Question 101.10

Question: If an issuer has a policy that limits which senior officials are authorized to speak to persons enumerated in Rule 100(b)(1)(i) – (b)(1)(iv), will disclosures by senior officials not authorized to speak under the policy be subject to Regulation FD?
Answer: No. Selective disclosures of material nonpublic information by senior officials not authorized to speak to enumerated persons are made in breach of a duty of trust or confidence to the issuer and are not covered by Regulation FD. Such disclosures may, however, trigger liability under existing insider trading law. [Aug. 14, 2009]

Question 101.11

Question: Does Regulation FD prohibit directors from speaking privately with a shareholder or groups of shareholders?
Answer: No. Regulation FD prohibits a company or a person acting on its behalf — such as directors, executive officers and investor relations personnel — from selectively disclosing material, non-public information to a shareholder under circumstances in which it is reasonably foreseeable that the shareholder will purchase or sell the company's securities on the basis of that information. If a company's directors are authorized to speak on behalf of the company and plan on speaking privately with a shareholder or group of shareholders, then the company should consider implementing policies and procedures intended to help avoid Regulation FD violations, such as pre-clearing discussion topics with the shareholder or having company counsel participate in the meeting. In addition, because Regulation FD does not apply to disclosures made to a person who expressly agrees to maintain the disclosed information in confidence, a private communication between an independent director and a shareholder would not present Regulation FD issues if the shareholder provided such an express agreement. [June 4, 2010]
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