

Item 401(d) requires disclosure where a director's wife is the first cousin of an executive officer of the same company since the director and executive officer are related by marriage "not more remote than first cousin." [July 3, 2008]


A director of a public company is the general partner (and 50% owner) of limited partnership A which, in turn, is the general partner of limited partnership B, now in bankruptcy. Disclosure of the bankruptcy is required in the public company's filings under Item 401(f)(l), because the director's general partnership in, and percentage ownership of, A are evidence of control of A, the general partner of B. [July 3, 2008]


The president of a company about to go public is convicted within the past year of misdemeanor criminal offenses, involving two small checks of $30 and $50, respectively. Counsel argues that disclosure is not required under Item 401(f) because of the exclusion of Item 401(f)(2) for "traffic violations and other minor offenses." The Division staff disagrees, taking the position that such disclosure is "material to an evaluation of the ability or integrity of any . . . executive officer of the registrant" (emphasis added). [July 3, 2008]


Item 401(f) would require the disclosure by an issuer of an order temporarily restraining another corporation from pursuing a tender offer where a director of the issuer, who is the president of the other corporation, has been specifically named in the order. [July 3, 2008]
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