

A legal fee incurred in the preparation of a registration statement, even if in excess of $50,000, is not the kind of "substantial interest" in the registrant requiring disclosure under Item 509. Such fees, of course, are normally disclosed in Part II of the registration statement. [July 3, 2008]


Where a registrant's attorney has a 10% limited partnership interest in a limited partnership in which the registrant has a 50% limited partnership interest, the registrant's relationship to the partnership is sufficiently analogous to a parent-subsidiary relationship to warrant furnishing the disclosure required by Item 509 of Regulation S-K. [July 3, 2008]


A law firm is charging a flat fee to a registrant for services performed in connection with preparation of the registrant's Securities Act registration statement. However, as the company will declare bankruptcy if the offering is unsuccessful, the law firm is not certain it will be paid unless the offering is successful. The Division staff has taken the position that this is not a form of "contingent interest" the disclosure of which was contemplated by Item 509. [July 3, 2008]
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