510.01 Rule 134 does not authorize the inclusion in tombstone ads of photographs of investment properties or descriptions of the tax benefits of investments. [Jan. 26, 2009]
510.02 A tombstone ad prepared pursuant to Rule 134 for use in connection with a registered public offering generally can be provided to existing shareholders along with a regularly provided quarterly report during the pre-effective period. [Jan. 26, 2009]
510.03 A broker-dealer participating in a registered public offering may send its clients a small reply card, along with a copy of a tombstone advertisement, to assist customers who wish to request a copy of the prospectus. [Jan. 26, 2009]
510.04 Although suitability requirements are not permitted under a literal reading of Rule 134, Rule 134(a)(16) does permit the inclusion of “any statement or legend required by any state law or administrative authority.” In light of the position by the California Department of Corporations that advertisements for direct participation programs (limited partnerships) must include suitability requirements, issuers may use suitability requirements in Rule 134 advertisements distributed in California when they are included to comply with the Department’s position. [Jan. 26, 2009]
510.05 Tombstone ads may contain a statement that the securities would be subject to early redemption or could be called by the issuer. [Jan. 26, 2009]
510.06 A commodity fund was advised that even though it bears some resemblance to an investment company, this fact does not automatically entitle it to include in its Rule 134 notice all of the information about its business that investment companies are permitted to include pursuant to Rule 482. The fund was reminded that Rule 134 permits only a brief indication of an issuer’s business. [Jan. 26, 2009]
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