536.01 An affiliate distributee from a partnership who is required to aggregate its sales with those of other affiliate distributees need not file a Form 144 if such affiliate distributee sells no more than 5,000 shares or shares with a market value not exceeding $50,000 in any three-month period, notwithstanding sales made by other distributees. [Jan. 26, 2009]
536.02 A subsidiary bank, acting in its fiduciary capacity, sells unrestricted shares of its holding company parent for an unaffiliated trust account. Form 144 need not be filed solely because of the bank’s involvement, because the bank is not making a sale for its own account. [Jan. 26, 2009]
536.03 An affiliate of the issuer files a notice on Form 144 reporting the proposed sale of less than the full amount of securities that could be sold under the volume tests of Rule 144(e). During the same three-month period, the affiliate wishes to make additional Rule 144 sales in an amount that, taken together with the original sales, would not exceed the maximum number of securities that could have been sold at the time of the notice. The affiliate may not file an amended Form 144 to accomplish additional sales because a Form 144 must represent the affiliate’s intent at the time of its filing. The affiliate may file a new Form 144 to sell additional securities, so long as these new sales satisfy the volume limitations existing when the new Form 144 is filed. [Jan. 26, 2009]
536.04 A Form 144, filed on behalf of an affiliate of the issuer by an attorney in fact, should be accompanied by a signed copy of the power of attorney. After such power of attorney is attached to the Form 144, it does not have to be re-filed as an attachment to subsequently filed Forms 144 while it remains in effect. [Jan. 26, 2009]
536.05 An affiliate of the issuer proposes to make Rule 144 sales of both common stock and securities convertible into common stock. For purposes of determining whether the 5,000 shares or $50,000 condition to filing Form 144 has been met, the convertible securities should be regarded as having been converted into the common stock in the same manner as provided by Rule 144(e)(3)(i). [Jan. 26, 2009]
536.06 After an affiliate files a Form 144, the issuer declares a stock split. No new filing is required within the three-month period to sell the entire number of shares, on a post-split basis, for which the seller had originally filed. [Jan. 26, 2009]
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