573.01 A registrant’s initial public offering has been consummated, but the Rule 174 prospectus delivery period is still applicable. The registrant is considering making a material acquisition that it considers probable. The registrant would need to supplement the prospectus as appropriate so that the prospectus complies with Securities Act Section 10(a) at the time of any delivery required pursuant to Rule 174. [Jan. 26, 2009]
573.02 Company A, which is not an Exchange Act reporting company, proposes to use Form S-3 to issue debt securities that would be guaranteed by its Exchange Act reporting parent. Company A is a wholly-owned subsidiary of parent and the guarantee is full and unconditional. The exemption from prospectus delivery requirements provided by Rule 174(b) would be available for this offering because the parent would be subject to the Exchange Act reporting requirements immediately prior to the time of filing the registration statement, Company A would be wholly-owned by parent, and parent would fully and unconditionally guarantee the debt securities. [Jan. 26, 2009]
573.03 If an exchange has approved an issue for trading as of the earlier of the effective date or the day the offering commences, but actual trading cannot commence until closing, with when-issued trading occurring in the interim, Rule 174(d) would be available for the when-issued trading. [Jan. 26, 2009]
573.04 The prospectus delivery requirements of Rule 174(d) apply in the context of savings and loan conversions, when a subscription offering to existing depositors at a specified price range is followed by an offering to the general public at a fixed price. The commencement of the subscription offer would be the commencement of a bona fide public offering for purposes of Rule 174(d). Although the security would not commence trading until closing, if, as of commencement of the offering, the security is authorized for inclusion in an electronic inter-dealer quotation system sponsored and governed by the rules of a registered securities association, the 25-day prospectus delivery period of Rule 174(d) would be available. [Jan. 26, 2009]
573.05 Rule 174 shortens to 25 days the prospectus delivery period for initial public offerings that are immediately listed for trading on an exchange or eligible for quotation on an automated quotation system of a national securities association. However, Exchange Act Rule 15c2-8(d) provides that broker-dealers must continue to deliver the same prospectuses, upon request, for the full 90-day period. While Rule 174(d) relieves broker-dealers of an obligation to deliver prospectuses in connection with every deal during the full 90-day period, it does not change broker-dealers’ obligations to deliver prospectuses upon request during that time. [Jan. 26, 2009]
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