610.01 An issuer filed a registration statement on Form S-4 for a merger. Inadvertently, the number of shares registered was not sufficient to cover certain shares issuable upon the exercise of options during the period after the effective date of the registration statement but prior to the consummation of the merger. Rule 413(a) does not permit the registration of additional shares by post-effective amendment. Counsel was informed that: (1) it could rely on Rule 462(b) to prepare and file a short-form registration statement provided the amount to be registered was within the 20% limit and the other conditions were met; or (2) it could file a new registration statement that could be combined with the earlier registration statement pursuant to Rule 429. [Jan. 26, 2009]
610.02 In its effective Form S-8, a company registered 500,000 shares for sale by the company pursuant to an option plan, and 1,000 previously unregistered shares for resale on a resale prospectus pursuant to General Instruction C to Form S-8. The company may not rely on General Instruction C.3.(a) (which applies only to control securities and allows the addition of persons to the resale prospectus list of selling shareholders by means of a post-effective amendment or Rule 424(b) prospectus supplement) to shift any of the 500,000 shares registered on the primary portion to the resale prospectus since to do so would amount to registering additional securities by means of a post-effective amendment in contravention of Rule 413. [Jan. 26, 2009]
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