620.01 For EDGAR header purposes, when filing a Rule 424(b) prospectus supplement in connection with an offering that involves an initial effective registration statement and a second registration statement registering additional securities under Rule 462(b), the Rule 424(b) supplement must be filed under the registration number (33- or 333-) for the initial registration statement. The cover page of the Rule 424(b) supplement should, however, set forth the registration numbers of both the initial registration statement and the Rule 462(b) registration statement. [Jan. 26, 2009]
620.02 When a supplement to a prospectus is used, the Securities Act prospectus delivery requirements are not satisfied by delivery to broker/dealers of a supplement unattached to the prospectus. The supplement must be attached to the prospectus either physically or electronically so that the prospectus being delivered includes both the supplement and the prospectus. See Securities Act Release No. 6714 (May 27, 1987). The exceptions to this position involve Form S-8 and dividend reinvestment plans filed on Form S-3. In those cases, updating of the existing registration statement, without including the full prospectus, is accomplished through the use of Rule 424 supplements that are distributed to plan participants who have previously received a prospectus, or, in the case of Form S-8, through compliance with Rule 428. Such supplements must include a legend indicating that a full prospectus will be provided upon request. [Jan. 26, 2009]
620.03 A change in currency in which securities may be issued is not a fundamental change and may be accomplished by prospectus supplement under Rule 424(c). [Jan. 26, 2009]
620.04 A reduction of the commission paid to the underwriter or selling agent may be accomplished by prospectus supplement when the price of the securities is not changed. [Jan. 26, 2009]
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