627.01 The instruction to paragraph (a) of Rule 430A provides that changes in volume and price representing no more than a 20% change in the maximum offering price set forth in the registration statement fee table may be made pursuant to a Rule 424(b)(1) prospectus supplement. The 20% threshold may be calculated using the high end of the range in the prospectus at the time of effectiveness and may be measured from either the high end (in the case of an increase in the offering price) or low end (in the case of a decrease in the offering price) of that range. [Apr. 24, 2009]
627.02 [Reserved]
627.03 A registration statement went effective listing $800 million of debt generically in its fee table and containing a prospectus specifying three classes of debt. The prospectus states that $300 million would be offered of each of the first two classes of debt and $200 million of the third class would be offered. The registrant wishes to change the allocation of the $800 million among the 3 classes after the effective date. Instruction to paragraph (a) of Rule 430A would allow the registrant, without filing a post-effective amendment, to increase a class or classes of debt by up to $160 million (20% of $800 million) with a corresponding reduction of the other class or classes by $160 million. The decrease and increase are not each counted as a 20% change (and thereby equating to a 40% change) since they are made in parallel as one reallocation. [Jan. 26, 2009]
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