
Question 133.01

Question: What exchanges are encompassed by the term “national securities exchanges” in Rule 144(e)?
Answer: The term “national securities exchanges,” as used in Rule 144(e), encompasses only exchanges that are registered with the Commission pursuant to Section 6(a) of the Exchange Act. Because Canadian exchanges are not so registered, the volume of securities traded on such an exchange may not be taken into account when computing the volume limitation under Rule 144. [Jan. 26, 2009]

Question 133.02

Question: Is the OTC Bulletin Board an “automated quotation system” for purposes of Rule 144(e)?
Answer: No. Consequently, the market-based volume limitation that the rule allows for is unavailable for securities quoted only over the OTC Bulletin Board. [Jan. 26, 2009]

Question 133.03

Question: What effect(s) do stock splits and reverse stock splits have on available volume under Rule 144(e)?
Answer: Stock splits and reverse stock splits, which are not events of sale under the Securities Act, have no real effect on available volume under Rule 144(e) because the split or reverse split should not change the proportion of the issuer’s securities that an affiliate is permitted to sell during the rule’s three-month measuring period. To calculate available volume after a split or reverse split, an affiliate should give effect to the split or reverse split throughout the whole three-month period, as though it had occurred on the first day of the period, even though the record and effective dates were later. This method may be used for the rule’s one-percent measurement or the market-based alternative for securities listed on an exchange. [Jan. 26, 2009]

Question 133.04

Question: In determining the amount of securities that an individual may sell pursuant to General Instruction C.2(b) of Form S-8, does the individual need to aggregate the amount of securities that the individual has sold pursuant to Rule 144?
Answer: No. General Instruction C.2(b) to Form S-8 provides that if the registrant, at the time of filing, does not satisfy the registrant requirements for use of Form S-3 or Form F-3, the amount of both control and restricted securities to be reoffered by means of the reoffer prospectus by each person, and any other person with whom such person is acting in concert for the purpose of selling securities of the registrant, shall be limited during any three-month period to the amount specified in Rule 144(e). This limitation is strictly a limitation on the number of securities to be resold pursuant to the registration statement, and does not require aggregation of such securities with securities to be sold by the same person pursuant to Rule 144. The application of this instruction is reassessed each time the Form S-8 is updated pursuant to Securities Act Section 10(a)(3). [Jan. 26, 2009]

Question 133.05

Question: Is a public offering included in the volume computation when computing the average weekly trading volume of the issuer during the four-week period?
Answer: In computing average weekly trading volume where there is a public offering of shares by the issuer during the four-week period, the public offering is not included in the volume computation; however, increased volume in the aftermarket as a result of the offering can be included for purposes of the rule. [Jan. 26, 2009]

Question 133.06

Question: How is the four-week period for computing the average weekly trading volume computed?
Answer: For purposes of computing volume limitations under Rule 144(e)(l)(ii) and (iii), the “four calendar weeks preceding the filing of notice” on Form 144 are the four weeks preceding the week in which the form is transmitted for filing in accordance with Rule 144(h). See Securities Act Release No. 6099 (Aug. 2, 1979), at Question 38. [Jan. 26, 2009]

Question 133.07

Question: Are an affiliate’s sales of securities back to the issuer in a non-public transaction excludable when calculating the amount of securities that may be sold by the affiliate under Rule 144?
Answer: Yes. Under Rule 144(e)(3)(vii)(C), securities sold in a transaction that is exempt pursuant to Securities Act Section 4 and does not involve any public offering need not be included in determining the amount of securities that may be sold under Rule 144. This would include an affiliate’s non-public sales of securities back to the issuer. [May 16, 2013]
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