
Question 141.01

Question: Registration statements covering securities offered and sold in business combinations and reorganizations often describe or include opinions from investment bankers on the financial fairness of the transaction to prospective purchasers in the transaction. Must a consent be filed under Section 7 in regard to such opinions?
Answer: Yes. Section 7 and Securities Act Rule 436 require that the banker’s consent to being named in the registration statement be filed as an exhibit to that registration statement in these circumstances. [Nov. 26, 2008]

Question 141.02

Question: A registrant has engaged a third party expert to assist in determining the fair values of certain assets or liabilities disclosed in the registrant’s Securities Act registration statement. Must the registrant disclose in the registration statement that it used a third party expert for this purpose? In what circumstances must the registrant disclose the name of the third party expert in its registration statement and obtain the third party’s consent to be named?
Answer: The registrant has no requirement to make reference to a third party expert simply because the registrant used or relied on the third party expert’s report or valuation or opinion in connection with the preparation of a Securities Act registration statement. The consent requirement in Securities Act Section 7(a) applies only when a report, valuation or opinion of an expert is included or summarized in the registration statement and attributed to the third party and thus becomes “expertised” disclosure for purposes of Securities Act Section 11(a), with resultant Section 11 liability for the expert and a reduction in the due diligence defense burden of proof for other Section 11 defendants with respect to such disclosure, as provided in Securities Act Section 11(b).
If the registrant determines to make reference to a third party expert, the disclosure should make clear whether any related statement included or incorporated in a registration statement is a statement of the third party expert or a statement of the registrant. If the disclosure attributes a statement to a third party expert, the registrant must comply with the requirements of Securities Act Rule 436 with respect to such statement. For example, if a registrant discloses purchase price allocation figures in the notes to its financial statements and discloses that these figures were taken from or prepared based on the report of a third party expert, or provides similar disclosure that attributes the purchase price allocation figures to the third party expert and not the registrant, then the registrant should comply with Rule 436 with respect to the purchase price allocation figures. On the other hand, if the disclosure states that management or the board prepared the purchase price allocations and in doing so considered or relied in part upon a report of a third party expert, or provides similar disclosure that attributes the purchase price allocation figures to the registrant and not the third party expert, then there would be no requirement to comply with Rule 436 with respect to the purchase price allocation figures as the purchase price allocation figures are attributed to the registrant.
Independent of Section 7(a) considerations, a registrant that uses or relies on a third party expert report, valuation or opinion should consider whether the inclusion or summary of that report, valuation or opinion is required in the registration statement to comply with specific disclosure requirements, such as Item 1015 of Regulation M-A, Item 601(b) of Regulation S-K or the general disclosure requirement of Securities Act Rule 408. [Nov. 26, 2008]
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