16320.1 The percentage ceiling on U.S. ownership for cash and exchange offers made pursuant to the MJDS is calculated by reference to securities held by persons with U.S. addresses in the records of the issuer and other specified records. U.S. affiliates of the Canadian company are not excluded from the calculation of the U.S. ownership ceiling.
16320.2 The date used for calculating U.S. ownership is the end of the subject company's last quarter or, if such quarter terminated within 60 days of the filing date, as of the end of the subject company's preceding quarter. In addition, the date of the initial bid, in the case of competing bids, will be used for determining MJDS eligibility for all subsequent competing bids. Subsequent competing bids are permitted to look back to the initial commencement date, so long as the initial offer was eligible to use the MJDS, regardless of whether the initial offer took advantage of the MJDS.
16320.3 Third-party bidders, whether solicited or unsolicited, are permitted to rely upon a conclusive presumption that less than the threshold percentage of securities is held by U.S. holders and that the target is a foreign private issuer, absent published trading volume data, disclosure in public filings or actual knowledge to the contrary.
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