(Last updated: 12/31/2022)
NOTE: Form 20-F provides two levels of reconciliation from a comprehensive basis of accounting other than U.S. GAAP to U.S. GAAP- Item 17 and Item 18. Item 17 requires quantification of the material differences in the principles, practices and methods of accounting. Item 18 requires satisfaction of the requirements of Item 17, as well as provision of all other information required by U.S. GAAP and Regulation S-X. (Last updated: 9/30/2011)
NOTE: Compliance with Item 18 rather than Item 17 is required for all issuer financial statements (including those for subsidiary issuers/guarantors that are not eligible for relief under S-X 3-10) in all Securities Act registration statements, Exchange Act registration statements on Form 20-F, and annual reports on Form 20-F.

Item 17 is permitted for pro forma information pursuant to S-X Article 11.

Item 17 compliance is permitted for non-issuer financial statements such as those pursuant to S-X 3-05, 3-09, and 3-10(i), as well as non-issuer target company financial statements included in Forms S-4, F-4 and proxy statements. [Release No. 33-8959]
Non-issuers using Item 17 that are required to provide MD&A (e.g., target companies in Forms S-4, F-4 and proxy statements) should consider the need to provide certain additional information in the MD&A to assist the U.S. investor in understanding the financial statements. [SAB Topic 1D]
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