Under IFRS, contracts that meet the “own use” criteria are scoped out of derivative accounting. However, a fair value option is available if it eliminates or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch. Under US GAAP, these contracts are accounted for as derivatives unless an entity elects the “normal purchase normal sale” (NPNS) exception.
There are many factors to consider in determining whether a contract related to nonfinancial items can qualify for the NPNS exception.
Similar to US GAAP, there are many factors to consider in determining whether a contract related to nonfinancial items qualifies for the “own use” exception.
If a contract meets the requirements of the NPNS exception, the reporting entity must document that it qualifies in order to apply the exception—otherwise, it will be considered a derivative.
While US GAAP requires documentation to apply the NPNS exception, IFRS requires a contract to be accounted for as own use (i.e., not accounted for as a derivative) if the own use criteria are satisfied.
However, IFRS 9 provides a fair value option for own use contracts in situations in which the use of the option would eliminate or significantly reduce an accounting mismatch. For example, an entity in the utility industry that hedges its physically settled contracts with energy derivatives could use the option for the physically settled contracts to reduce the measurement inconsistency between these contracts and the energy derivatives, and thus achieve offsetting effects without the need to apply hedge accounting. This fair value option is irrevocable and only available at inception.
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