Under IFRS, embedded derivatives are not bifurcated from hybrid financial assets, and instead are part of the classification assessment of the entire financial asset (see SD 7.7 for further information on financial assets).
In addition, differences with respect to the reassessment of embedded derivatives may result in significantly different outcomes under the two frameworks. Generally, reassessment is more frequent under US GAAP.
If a hybrid instrument (such as financial asset or liability, insurance or lease) contains an embedded derivative that is not clearly and closely related at inception, and it is not bifurcated (because it does not meet the definition of a derivative), it must be continually reassessed to determine whether bifurcation is required at a later date. Once it meets the definition of a derivative, the embedded derivative is bifurcated and measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in earnings.
Similarly, the embedded derivative in a hybrid instrument that is not clearly and closely related at inception and is bifurcated must also be continually reassessed to determine whether it subsequently fails to meet the definition of a derivative. Such an embedded derivative should cease to be bifurcated at the point at which it fails to meet the requirements for bifurcation.
An embedded derivative that is clearly and closely related is not reassessed subsequent to inception for the “clearly and closely related” criterion. For nonfinancial host contracts, the assessment of whether an embedded foreign currency derivative is clearly and closely related to the host contract should be performed only at inception of the contract.
A financial asset that is within the scope of IFRS 9 is not assessed for embedded derivatives because the solely payment of principal and interest (SPPI) test is applied to the entire hybrid contract to determine the appropriate measurement category. See SD 7.4.
IFRS precludes reassessment of embedded derivatives after inception of the contract unless there is a change in the terms of the contract that significantly modifies the cash flows that would otherwise be required under the contract.
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